Reality Rears Its Ugly Head

First let my say that I have not watched “19 Kids and Counting” about the Duggar family so I don’t know the inside scoop on show content. I am familiar with large families since I did, after all go to a Catholic school.  But 19 kids!!! Yikes!! As Groucho Marx said “I love my cigar, but I take it out of my mouth once in a while!”  I figured that the show was just about keeping up with laundry and meals. Since I have trouble keeping up with 3 people I didn’t want to be humbled so I never tuned in. I imagine Mrs. Duggar is reconsidering her decision to go along with Mr. Duggar trying for a Guinness Record or a Reality show.  The show has been cancelled but there’s still hope.  She only needs 50 more babies to make the record book of 69.  And I’ll bet the word episiotomy hasn’t been uttered in that household for years.

I have also never viewed an episode of “Here Comes Honey Boo Boo”. I guess my life never seemed so bad that I needed Mamma June to show me it could be worse.  The first time I saw the show advertised I thought it was going to be another weight loss show with a mother-daughter theme. I do know that Mamma June has made some questionable parenting decisions so I found it amusing when she publically criticized the Duggars.  She wouldn’t be my first choice for a moral compass!

It would be interesting if someone checked these two households to see if they would even be certified under the Day Care laws in Arkansas and Georgia to raise their families. When people say “Children don’t come with instructions” they should check out their state’s laws telling other people how to treat our children. It’s a pretty good checklist.

Believe it or not I’ve never watched anything Kardashian. They represent to me the epitome of over indulgence and decadence. Famous for beautiful brown eyes, I wonder if any of the “K” women see the anguish in the beautiful brown eyes of the starving mother holding her starving child in the TV ads. With their money they could help so many, but they seem too selfishly materialistic for  that. Quite possibly, Caitlyn may be the only “Real” woman coming from that household.

Speaking of “Real… of anything” shows, I don’t believe they’re real after the first episode. There is no way that I could continue my normal routine after I realized that a cameraman, soundman and millions of viewers would be witnesses to my every move and bodily sound.

The one show that I for sure will never watch is “Why Planes Crash”. I learned my lesson when I let my young son watch “How Hot Dogs Are Made”. He hasn’t had a hot dog since. My daughter is going to Japan  this month. In order to assure that she won’t board the plane with me clinging to her ankles and dragging along, I’d best not watch the crash show.

The above are just a few of the shows I avoid.

What shows do I watch? I’m a “Madam Secretary” fan because I like Téa Leoni and the way she humanizes the position of Secretary of State. I also liked “The Good Wife” until all the sex started seeping into the plots. Personally, the only sex scene I am good with is when two people begin to kiss. The next scene should be one of the parties walking out of the bedroom tucking in a shirt or blouse. I get the idea without watching the entire sexual encounter unfold before my eyes.

I also like challenging game shows. In one week alone I knew two answers that Ken Jennings didn’t know on Jeopardy, and then discovered that I am NOT smarter than a 5th grader.

And when it comes to “Reality TV”, I’ll watch the news.