Money, Money, Money

I can’t tell you how many times the theme song from Trump’s Apprentice TV show has played in my head the past 2 years. It is a song from 1973 by the O’Jays called “For the Love of Money.” That in a nutshell tells us what drives Trump… money, money, money.

I have been saying since the beginning, it’s all a business to him. Every time he has been put into a position to defend some illogical, idiotic and unethical decision he’s made, he puts a dollar sign on the issue. It’s either costing us too much, or we’re making a fortune…depending on the topic.

As the web of financial intrigue that Donny’s caught in begins to unravel, it will astound us how many directions the labyrinth goes.

To better understand what I think Donny has been involved with, I am using an example of what can happen in a legal arena. A friend of mine has an adult son who owns a few legal marijuana dispensaries in Las Vegas. He is doing great business and making tons of cash. The problem for him is that he has nowhere to put his profits since selling marijuana is still a Federal crime, and no banks will take his money. As one solution, he has purchased real estate in the form of homes for himself and his relatives.

Now move to the illegal world of Trump. Buyers connected to Russian or former Soviet republics have made 86 “all-cash” purchases (totaling nearly $109 million) at 10 Trump branded properties in Florida and New York City. Many of these purchases were made using shell companies designed to obscure their identities.  Hmmm.

In October of 2016, Donny sold a $40 million estate in Florida to a Russian Oligarch for $100 million…in cash. We’ve either got to believe that Aleksander Burman wanted Trump to reap and keep a $60 million profit…OR…Don laundered the money so that Alek could get to it. Now, multiply this by 86, and you can see how deeply Trump is caught in the web. And this is only Russia and Trump

Add to that Jared Kushner’s involvement with Saudi Arabia in forcing Qatar to loan him $184 million for his property at 666 Fifth Avenue ( The address seems appropriate). Not only were they bullied into the loan, but they also took out a 99-year lease on the property.  There are many more questionable relationships involving the Trump clan, this just scratches the surface.

It has become apparent that Trump and his cohorts are more afraid of the loan sharks than they are concerned for the integrity and future of our country. Hey, the Prince MSB made it clear of what happens when you tick him off. And don’t forget about the Russian poisoning episodes.

The next few weeks will expose how corrupt the people involved are. We will see the infamous tax forms and see how the money was moved. I hope we discover where the money has been invested. My fear is that it either went to buy America from under us, or is somehow used to play with and distort the stock market. This saga is just beginning.

In spite of the many attempts to discredit our entire legal system, I believe our system will prevail. Mueller has become the knight in shining armor, and I am ready to witness his hero act.

Ironically, the title of the theme song that Trump chose for his signature song is based on a Bible verse…1 Timothy 6:10 – which states that money is the root of all evil.  Another case of, ’cause the Bible told me so.

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